A credit card is required to book and hold your appointment time, however you will not be charged at that time.
Please notify us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment, should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice from the start of your appointment time are subject to a charge of 50% of your service fee.
We appreciate if you notify us when you will be late to your appointment. We have a 15 minute grace period but cannot guarantee the completion of your full service in the time remaining. In such cases, there will be no refund for missed time or shortened service.
After 15 minutes we will need to cancel or reschedule your appointment and this will incur our standard charge/late cancel fee of 50% of your service price.
No shows/missed appointments will be charged 100% of your service fee.
These policies are strictly enforced in order to respect our clients time and our practitioners time. Thank you for your understanding.